Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our Readers Respond...

Candidate Decries Opposition’s Misrepresentations About Him

Dear Editor:

I am campaigning for Town Board with energy and optimism for the job ahead. During this campaign, I have spoken with hundreds of Greenburgh residents and listened carefully to their concerns and problems.

I believe in open, transparent government. I believe in enacting laws that improve the quality of our environment and the quality of the lives of our residents. I believe taxpayers’ money should be spent wisely and I believe in fairness.

I am running for Town Board because I stand up for what I believe in. Therefore, I must set the record straight about the gross misrepresentations of my opponents. Steve Bass and Eddie Mae Barnes knowingly disregarded the Westchester Fair Campaign Practices Board by publicly repeating outrageous statements about me that the Board ruled unfair.

I AM and always will be pro-choice. By declaring to the contrary, Bass and Barnes thumbed their noses at the Westchester Fair Campaign Practices Board. This behavior reveals the kind of politicians they are.

They claim credit for policies they oppose and make up lies about their opponents simply to win. How can they now be trusted to keep their promises?

The Scarsdale Inquirer said about me that I am “earnest, sincere and we believe a straight shooter.” You will hear no lies or see me take credit for things I voted against. I will seek your input on all issues and vote for what I believe is right for Greenburgh. I will serve you with energy, diligence and integrity. I am optimistic about our future!

Kevin Morgan, Elmsford

A Call For Impeachment - One Man’s Opinion

Dear Editor:

“We The People” can and must make the present political system implement meaningful change. I believe this can be addressed through public financing of campaigns and limiting the time of campaigning prior to an election. This would get big money out of the election process. It would force the public to pay attention to politics.

President George W. Bush and his elected and corporate partners in crime could not have pillaged this country and its people without the consent of both houses of Congress. Both houses of Congress and a large majority of our elected representatives have given new meaning to the term “checks and balances” and “We The People” are being cheated!

I believe that Impeachment is “Off Of The Table” because most of the Nation’s business is being conducted, bought and paid for “Under The Table”!

Indeed there are obvious grounds for impeachment: Flagrant, multiple violations of a U.S. Treaty. When the Congress ratifies an international treaty, that treaty becomes U.S. law. This is the case with Geneva Convention. Violation of this law is a crime.

Congress is required to uphold the law. Our representatives take an oath to uphold the constitution -- not when it suits their schedule and agenda, or when it is not politically strategic. Whenever the Constitution is violated, it is their legal and moral obligation to act.

Checks and balances must be defended. An executive that refuses to be checked by the other two branches is a danger to our entire system for generations. History has consistently shown that once a President has taken new powers for himself, no subsequent President of either party ever gives back those powers. The President’s extreme over expansion of powers drives us toward a dangerously uncheckable executive.

Impeachment is provided for in OUR CONSTITUTION. People mistakenly think impeachment is terrible for the nation while not recognizing that it is a tool to preserve our democracy. The founding fathers provided us with this tool so we can use it as often as necessary – to keep our Constitutional system in good health for the future.

Flagrant, multiple violations of Federal wiretapping statute. The 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) makes it a crime to order the wiretapping of anyone without a court-issued warrant. President Bush has admitted to doing precisely this not once, but several hundred times, and this includes only the known cases. Violation of FISA carries a five year prison sentence.*NOTE: Recent changes to FISA do not change the fact
that President Bush has already violated it.

Flagrant, multiple violations of Constitutional due process guarantees. In violation of the Habeas Corpus clause, the President has repeatedly imprisoned foreigners and Americans alike with no access to lawyers or to the charges against them.

*Habeas Corpus -- the 800-year-old cornerstone of our entire justice system -- is what ensures that we catch and hold the real criminals, and not mistakenly hold the innocent -- and so must never be violated. The Supreme Court has ruled that the President’s actions were illegal, and that his justifications were totally without basis in law.

The biggest threat to our nation is education - formal or otherwise. I think that if we had real open debate, instead of the present choreographed position presentations of scripted agendas, our country could call itself a genuine democracy.

Owen Fisher, Yonkers, NY

More Kudos for Judge Lange

Dear Editor:

I am a regular reader and enjoy your paper very much. I particularly like the articles written by Judge Kenneth Lange. I find them to be extremely interesting, informative and well-written. I look forward to reading them every week.

Thank you, Judge Lange, for your literary efforts. They are superb!

John J. Timmel

Another Candidate Rails Against Misrepresentation

Dear Editor:

In a mailing, the Democratic City Committee alleged that I am NOT a real Democrat and that’s why people should vote for their candidates instead of me, Candyce Corcoran, in the upcoming Democratic primary for Common Council.

How can they say that I’m not a real Democrat when one of their candidates didn’t even register with the Board of Elections until May 5, 2006, so she could vote? Did they forget that I was born and raised here?

The voting record of the Democratic City Committee’s candidate, Ms. Lecuona, according to the Board of Elections Voting History Report, reveals that she has only voted in one General Election in White Plains. That was on Nov. 07, 2006. According to Board of Elections voting records, which lists all elections voted in, she did not vote in the school referendum October 17, 2006, on the $66-million bond issue being used to renovate and
upgrade city school district buildings and fields, even though this was the largest bond issue the citizens of White Plains have ever been asked to approve. Interestingly, she was on the school district committee that reviewed the need, the scope, and costs of the bond issue in the summer of 2006 -- yet, she didn’t even bother to vote!

I’ve always believed that true citizenship is reflected in exercising your right to vote, especially in local elections which directly affect our homes and families. How can the Democratic City Committee make its ridiculous allegation that I’m not what they call a REAL Democrat, when they put up for office someone with such a flimsy
record of voting in White Plains Elections? The voters will have the final say in the Sept. 18th primary as to who is the REAL Democrat. In their wisdom, I’m confident they’ll recognize that I qualify for the title!

Candyce Canelstein Corcoran

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