Tuesday, August 23, 2011

61 years old - 41 miles and not even tired

I am fortunate to live in the most spectacular county on the East Coast for biking - Chester County. The county is west of Philadelphia. County seat is West Chester. Plus I am lucky enough to have the most talented group of like-minded folks with which to bike. All of us are past 50, some past 60 and we all rock on the bike. Off we go and knock off 30 or more miles without a blink.

We all bike well and often. We climb hills and handle ourselves on the road with confidence. Biking, if you are nearly retirement, is probably the best activity you can do. It is easy on the knees and you can sit the entire time if you choose. You can go slow or fast. It does not matter as long as you are out enjoying the fresh air. We have spotted herons and bald eagles on our rides. The bike allows you to find roads in your area that you did not know existed until you climbed onto a bike. Chester County is loaded with tertiary roads.

Today we rode through gorgeous horse farms and a covered bridge. The Biker Chicks are one lucky group. We are healthy enough to bike and lucky enough to live in Chester County.

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