Sunday, August 12, 2012
Numerous patents/Numerous pendingProven innovative technology
GASFRAC has developed an innovative closed stimulation process and injection method, utilizing gelled LPG rather than conventional frac fluids.
The LPG used in the closed GASFRAC system is primarily propane, C3H8, a naturally occurring hydrocarbon that is non-damaging to the formation.[emphasis added.]
And the "proprietary" GasFRAC prevents vapour buildup?
GASFRAC's proprietary LPG process is designed for maximum safety. Our pressurized, closed system ensures the process is completely controlled and that the LPG gel maintains its fluid state—with zero exposure to oxygen—preventing vapour build-up.[emphasis added.]
** Update: Hmmm. Apparently, this blog post landed on a stock market message board!?? We have had more hits on this blog post within the last 24 hours than any of our posts in such a time period, lately. Too bad. The stock market crowd only wants to know how GasFRAC is doing. They really don't seem to care about the BIG PICTURE. And want to tell us how the cow ate the cabbage...rather than how the cows died from drinking the fracking fluid.
Oh, and to the Anonymous commenter who left such a detailed reprimand for us ~ Thank you. Unfortunately, it was accidentally deleted by our iPhone. Please post it again, and we'll be sure to post it as long as the condescension is down a notch or two. Thank you, everyone, for reading. And try to think about making your money from businesses that are in business for the good of humanity. This ain't it. Amen.
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