Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Breaking News: Elizabeth Ames Jones Resigns

Important Note:  Elizabeth Ames Jones resigned yesterday as Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission.   Click HERE for the story on BlueDaze.

Here's an excerpt from Mrs. Jones' resignation speech:
As your Commissioner, it has been a privilege to be on the frontlines fighting the Obama Administration, the EPA and the left wing voices in Congress, whose agenda is to disrupt the development of vast new oil and gas resources in shale reservoirs in the United States and to usurp our state’s jurisdiction in direct conflict with the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I am proud to have been a leader in the responsible oversight of the new drilling techniques which evolved from horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, and which have created an economic boom for the benefit of all Texans, especially in the Eagle Ford Shale Play, south of San Antonio.


Today I call on Sen. Wentworth to return the $65,000 in campaign contributions he received from Michael Blevins, William Bradley and Monica Ellis between 2000 and 2002. Blevins is a convicted felon who founded Metabolife along with Bradley and Michael Ellis, husband of Monica.  Wentworth was investigated by the Travis County District Attorney in 2002 for lobbying for Metabolife, a diet drug containing deadly ephedrine. [emphasis added]

Wow.  That was certainly weird, Mrs. Jones.  So, you've been fighting the EPA all along?  I guess we knew that.  We had also forgotten that Metabolife contained deadly ephedrine. 

Fighting Wentworth in the Republican Primary sounds like you'll be fighting some deadly chemicals just like we do everyday in the old Barnett Shale! And since you mentioned the Eagle Ford Shale, don't miss this story about the shoes being eaten by a chemical spill down that way. You seem like a woman who owns a good pair of proprietary chemical boots. You may wish to wear them while campaigning. :-)

Is that a DKNY cap? Very nice!

In the meantime, we wish you well. Not to sound too mean, but maybe we're lucky because we never met you. Here's the tribute to you from last November on the Westchester Gasette.  We hope you enjoyed it then and now:

Click here.

And here's your Encore, Mrs. Jones.
All the Best. xoxo

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