Friday, December 3, 2010

New Life Form Announced : Through the Wormhole : Science Channel

New Life Form Announced : Through the Wormhole : Science Channel

The Science Channel is one of the few channels I actually watch regularly anymore. The channel and their corresponding webpage are both great places to keep up on the latest science news. As I mentioned earlier NASA has discovered a new "life form" and of course the Science Channel has jumped on this news by announcing a special episode of "Through the Wormhole" on December 4, 2010 at 8pm, Be sure to check it out dedicated readers. 

(From the Science Channel)
In the "How Did We Get Here" episode of Through the Wormhole, Morgan Freeman explored the leading theories on the origin of life. Humans are searching for clues in countless different ways, from chemistry to archaeology. Today it seems we have more questions than answers. But discoveries like this incredible announcement from NASA take us one step closer to understanding the truth behind life as we know it.
NASA has discovered a strange bacteria living deep in a California lake that can survive on arsenic and can even grow by incorporating the element into its DNA and cell membranes.

The finding not only presents the possibility that alternative life forms can exist, or once existed, on Earth. It also has deep implications for the search for life beyond Earth. It also muddies the waters for scientists refining techniques to identify alien life, if it exists.

Get the whole story.
Don't miss a special presentation of the "How Did We Get Here?" episode of Through the Wormhole with new footage about NASA's discovery. Tune in on Saturday, December 4 at 8PM E/P.

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