Thursday, March 19, 2009

here is how to get out on the bike more

tongue in cheek post but you get the drift, this is advice from another blog

Three Quick Ways to Improve Your Biking Performance

Here is a list of common questions I get from athletes. The questions tend to fall into three categories, so I will show a sample question from each category. The answer to each question is a quick tip for you!

1) Frey, I just don't have enough time to ride during the week. I work late... what do you recommend?

Get a new job.

2) Frey, I have been training hard, but I can't lose weight. How can I drop the pounds?

Stop eating so damn much.

3) My husband/wife complains to me all the time that I spend more time training than I do with him/her. How can I continue to train while keeping him/her happy?

Get a new him/her.

There you have it! Follow these three tips, and your performance will go through the roof!

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